Felix Millstone
Felix is the third companion the Unplanned Variable meets. He is on the Groundbreaker, right beside the landing pad, being yelled at by a Corporate Trooper while a Mardet tries to break up the argument.
He is described in-game as a "rebel without a cause. Also without a clue" and a "drop-kick aficionado". When he is recruited, he is usually found in the ship's kitchen.
Felix is an orphan who never knew his parents. He grew up on the Groundbreaker and hauls boxes for a living.
Felix is very boisterous and can be very passionate about things he likes - for example, attacking his foreman for disrespecting his favourite Tossball team, Rizzo's Rangers.
The Unplanned Variable
Clyde Harlow
Parvati Holcomb
Vicar Max
Felix Millstone
Ellie Fenhill
Nyoka Ramnarim-Wentworth III
Graham Bryant
Companion information
- The third companion you will meet.
- Felix is the shortest member of the Unreliable crew.
- He is likely to be the youngest member of the crew; other characters make a point of mentioning his age often - such as Chairman Rockwell and Clyde Harlow referring to him as a "kid". He is in his 20s.